Police in Buffalo, N.Y., have set forth a plan to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths.
This is one more little step in the agenda that gun control advocates have embarked on to inch us closer and closer to complete disarmament.
Of course, a communist government is incompatible with an armed populace.
New enforcement of an old law on the books in one New York city highlights why it’s vital to be cautious and vigilant about firearms rights. Check out the full story and a video summary on the Next Page:
old fuking news, that all you got
They can’t and don’t answer door
Liberals are hell bent on taking our guns one step at a time!!
Carl R Gottstein Jr. what’s this?
Democrats have an agenda. We have to fight them tooth and nail! JOin us! nysrpa.org/membership there is strength in numbers!
I don,t think so unless the law has changed overnight.
Then I guess the cops get what they deserve for going against their oath.
It’s a good way for getting officers killed , your not takin our guns w/o blood
Omg isn’t that a sanctions state ,,,fight back by voting republican who stand by Trump and vote trump ,,,