Police in Buffalo, N.Y., have set forth a plan to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths.
This is one more little step in the agenda that gun control advocates have embarked on to inch us closer and closer to complete disarmament.
Of course, a communist government is incompatible with an armed populace.
New enforcement of an old law on the books in one New York city highlights why it’s vital to be cautious and vigilant about firearms rights. Check out the full story and a video summary on the Next Page:
Violation of the second amendment
This is not right, amounts to nothing but legalized theft.
Bsd choice. United States Code section 18 Articles 242 depriving Rights of Citizens under color of law. Get the Rppe ready for unconstitutional gun grabbers.
That will mean murders and high crimes will go up , because the criminals have illegal guns , you dumb$#%&!@*mayor !!!
This police department is not derving the law abiding citizens but are linstead are criminals helping other criminals.
register nothing
This whole story sounds like it is just trying to rouse up a little hate. I have not seen any incidents where police show up at a deceased person’s home and go through the home to remove guns if someone family is around. Just because a law is on the books doesn’t mean it is enforced at all. I have found no articles stating that a home was entered by police and family members were made to stand aside while police took meds and firearms.
Oh hell no
Anti-Patriots are hard at work in NY.
So are the Good Guys.
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.
This should be interesting