Police in Buffalo, N.Y., have set forth a plan to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths.
This is one more little step in the agenda that gun control advocates have embarked on to inch us closer and closer to complete disarmament.
Of course, a communist government is incompatible with an armed populace.
New enforcement of an old law on the books in one New York city highlights why it’s vital to be cautious and vigilant about firearms rights. Check out the full story and a video summary on the Next Page:
The police have no right to confiscate anything from a dead persons estate, period. When my mom passed at home, the police searched her house for prescription meds and confiscated them. They went through her dresser drawers, cabinets, etc. To me, this was illegal search and seizure. I’m still waiting for them to get back to me on the $3000.00 cash I know she kept as an emergency fund.
Well on the bright side.. most, not all but most, people who pass away are elderly who owned firearms before it was a law to register them.
Most close families know where their relatives keep those unregistered firearms, and know where to go and what to do when “that time” happens.
They may gather a small number from younger generations, but they won’t get all of them.
This seems fishy there trying to disarm everyone like germany did dont gorget 6 million jews were slaughtered there guns were confisciated this is reliving there nite mare
FEAR the govt. that fears your guns !!
B******t !!
Oh I just got mine back from Obama stupid motherfuckers swallow this b******t every day
This is nothing new. It has been law in NYS since the 60’s. An unregistered pistol is illegal.period. if a family member dies or gets a felony conviction, the gun must go to someone else that has it on thier permit as well. Others wise it has to get turned in until a family member can claim it legally.
Why is it the people that legally register guns are the only ones that are having their guns confiscated?
This is why you dont register your guns