On The Laura Ingraham Show yesterday Pat Buchanan stated that Obama took advantage of a Republican party that is conflicted and not unified when he issued executive action granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants.
He also stated that this was the “beginning of the end of the US as one nation and one people” as this is an invasion that can’t be stopped by those who wish to save this nation.
and that is exactly what Obama intended…….
Tyranny ?? Not to be found !!
Congress should NOT permit this to happen !!!
And don’t THINK for a minute Obama didn’t KNOW THIS when he did it……timing? perfect, as he KNEW what would happen to Ferguson and ACROSS the NATION when he,Holder and Jackson got through STIRRING IT UP.
best be ready for the hard times that are coming.
That’s right, Pat!
I’ve read his books years ago that predicted this influx of illegals. Not good for America.