On The Laura Ingraham Show yesterday Pat Buchanan stated that Obama took advantage of a Republican party that is conflicted and not unified when he issued executive action granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants.
He also stated that this was the “beginning of the end of the US as one nation and one people” as this is an invasion that can’t be stopped by those who wish to save this nation.
Pat would have made a magnificent president! America is so far gone now it will be a long, hard fight to restore our nation. Do you know WHAT the fight IS? Do you know HOW TO FIGHT? DO ANY OF YOU “FACEBOOK WARRIORS” EVER TAKE THE FIGHT TO YOUR CONGRESS PERSON’S OFFICE? YOU SHOULD BE THERE EVERY WEEK! ON SOME ISSUE – EVERY DAY…ALL DAY! THE OFFICE STAFF SHOULD KNOW YOU BY YOUR 1ST NAME! THAT’S WHEN YOU HAVE JUST STARTED TO “FIGHT”…NOT UNTIL!
Deport all illegals!
LOL! So says two people who probably voted TWICE for the evil Bush & Cheney syndicate. I would NOT say that was a very intelligent decision! …
We need Donald Trump.
Did you know that we give out 1 million legal permanent worker visas every year? We have no jobs for American workers but keep bringing inviting more workers to displace people.
people just can not imagine the dangers of all the illegal criminals to our freedoms and our way of life here in the USA, the terrorist from other countries are not as dangerous and the illegals from the south of us. They are stripping us of our jobs, our resources, our tax dollars, and our children’s food supplies and education systems, and are also putting our children in the target zone of the murderers, rapists, pedophiles and sex traders
We need a Charles Bronson
Vote Republican…<3