On The Laura Ingraham Show yesterday Pat Buchanan stated that Obama took advantage of a Republican party that is conflicted and not unified when he issued executive action granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants.
He also stated that this was the “beginning of the end of the US as one nation and one people” as this is an invasion that can’t be stopped by those who wish to save this nation.
Too late now
true it is them but we allow it to continue……….in fact aiding their agenda
True story, fight for your rights and our nation!
He is right. A house divided against it’self cannot stand.
Because they have the same agenda as the liberals…which is why I am a nonpartisan.
There is an easy solution
That’s exactly what Obama is trying to do. We need him out of the White House before he gets us all killed. He is a Muslim and not concerned about Americans.
Diane just about hits the nail on the head.
Republicans have never taken an action to immigrate other than Western European’s other than those related to US involved wars.
From where, fema camps?