On The Laura Ingraham Show yesterday Pat Buchanan stated that Obama took advantage of a Republican party that is conflicted and not unified when he issued executive action granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants.
He also stated that this was the “beginning of the end of the US as one nation and one people” as this is an invasion that can’t be stopped by those who wish to save this nation.
That’s what I say, our country was so strong, and now I’m amazed at how it’s falling, iam also shaking my head at how 1 muslim can control this country at his whim and no one stands up to him , if this is the power of 1 muslim then how can we stand against them all ? pouring in this country like running water. I was always proud of my country but watching it fall for the lack of a patriotic goverment is so very hard.
Tim Worley… Exactly correct !!!!!
Yes it is. And I don’t think the United States will be a viable country. From what I have seen, in Arizona, there’s lots of gangbangers with low IQ’s.and a penchant for crime. When Santa Ana lost Texas, he told Sam Houston (I Believe it was Houston) “We will defeat you in numbers.”
people united as one, the way it was in the far past.
You mean when there was segregation and slavery? Japanese internment camps? No Irish Need Apply? What time period are you actually referring to?
Not we,our gov’t,has taken us this far,& continues now,at a hurried pace.
Democrats have destroyed American society , starting with welfare then moving on to iilegals , those are just a couple of examples.
Sandra…You mean when there was segregation and slavery? Japanese internment camps? No Irish Need Apply? What time period are you actually referring to?
Sandra….so obama is a muslim that allowed $#%&!@*sexuals to marry, put rainbow lights on the white house, drinks beer, eats bacon? Not much of a muslim….
Amazing enough, “IF” things are left go as they have been, yes you are right, but in the event that AMERICANS resist, then there is a whole new ball game … watch for the new game where black & white unit to save AMERICA !!!