In a tragic story from December 8th of last year, two black girls viciously and brutally beat and robbed a third young woman on a Metro Blue Line train in Long Beach, CA.
The two attackers set upon their victim like jackals on a rabbit, pinning her, striking her, brutalizing and throwing her to the ground like a bag of dirty laundry before adding a few more vicious kicks for their own amusement.
Why does black crime, no matter how brutal, tend to get ignored or actively covered up by the mainstream media?
The few voices who actively document the epidemic of black crime are widely reviled by the mainstream media.
Continue to the next page for more about this horrific crime, including the shocking video footage of the assault.
Not wanting your daughter in the same room with a naked grown man is transphobic. At least that is the logic of the LBBT people.
They will one of these days run into a person who will go ballistic and beat the stupid out of them instead of cowering and crying. As for the by standers, shame on you. You are all accomplices to this crime.
?what does this have to do with anything?
Read the article
Somehow it posted on the wrong article sorry
I had someone attempt to mug me once, it was terrifying. I responded differently than this lady but everyone is different. Those by standers amaze me though. They are nothing more than accomplices.
such a vile race.
I just hate when they get their damn cellphones out and record this c**p, and do nothing, there are so many people on that bus. Why did the bus driver not call police and not stop the bus until they showed up. It shows it right there they do not respect each other, and when a white person says something we are racist>