There are 158.6 million women in the United States and Bruce Jenner is not one of them, yet Glamour Magazine chose to name him “Woman of the Year”.
With all the incredible women in America, who have done noteworthy and sacrificial deeds, one would think a REAL female would be honored with the title.
What in the world has Bruce Jenner done that could possibly make him a “Woman of the Year”? More on the next page.
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! What is wrong with our society?
I like to know how would Mr. Jenner ever be considered “Woman of the Year?” He was born a man and will die a man. I don’t care if they remove his penis and shoot him up with hormones he will always be a man. He was born with XY CHROMOSOMES which make him a man. Sex of a child is determined by two chromosomes, X and Y A female is XX a male is XY. Since women completely LACK THE Y CHROMOSOME they contribute an X chromosome to the baby. The sex is determined by what the sperm that fertilizes the egg is carrying another X or Y chromosome. Sorry, Bruce you are only fooling yourself to think that you are a woman. God did not intend you to be a woman.
Nobody…..except Glamour Magazines target audience the gender confused…. all 60 of them.
Thanks for the psychoanalyzation, You are right and you are wrong. Yes, I follow the media. I like to know what is going on, on this planet. I have a big stake on it. Also I am angry at being expected to accept transgenders. I understand the transgender viewpoint yet I do not accept it as a “normal” viewpoint. Transgenders should not be expecting to be welcomed by society any more than homosexuals are. They need therapy. Lots of it. I have the freedom to be “normal” and liberty to express my viewpoint. But, I don’t expect you to accept that. I am not trying to provoke a confrontation. Just thought you deserved and explanation of my view.
That an insult to woman..he/she never got his thingy cut off…and he still dates women and from what I’ve heard still likes women…he just likes to live like a woman…really…it’s all for the money…
This is a mockery of women!!!
This fits with all the other craziness in this culture…. ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil’ comes to mind… And that seems to be rampant in our country at this particular time.