There are 158.6 million women in the United States and Bruce Jenner is not one of them, yet Glamour Magazine chose to name him “Woman of the Year”.
With all the incredible women in America, who have done noteworthy and sacrificial deeds, one would think a REAL female would be honored with the title.
What in the world has Bruce Jenner done that could possibly make him a “Woman of the Year”? More on the next page.
What a spit in the face to real women in the military, medical field, scientists, etc. You don’t see feminists complaining about this lol it’s all liberal bs
And Michelle Obama named Man of the Year!
Jenner is an attention deprived freak !
How cares …
It’s just gross.
Jihad is comming for Brucy
Disgusting freak
He’s not a woman. Stupid.