Not content with restricting guns, New York lawmakers are moving to restrict valuable components of them.
Proud of their efforts to further limit the rights of gun owners, state legislators announced that they introduced new measures to tighten laws regulating the sale of ammunition in the New York Senate and Assembly.
The bills, drawn up by state Senator Roxane Persuad and Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon, are supposedly about keeping terrorists from stockpiling ammo, as happened in California with the San Bernardino shooters, but many New Yorkers are concerned that they will impose undue hindrances on law-abiding gun owners.
For example, gun owners would only be permitted to purchase a certain amount of ammo within the same 90-day time period. On top of that gun vendors will be prohibited from selling ammo for particular weapons if the customer is not authorized to own said weapon.
Read more about the bills on the next page:
It is easy to manufacture bullets, bombs, dynamite or anything a person wants to do harm or PROTECTION. Britain is famous for people knifing, ice picks, hatchets and everything else can be used as an instrument to harm. Liberals need to look and comprehend Facts & be logical. Instead there delusional zombies!
Just because someone has 1000 rounds of ammo or a stockpile that doesn’t make them a terrorist……… last year ammo manufacturing was not able to keep up with demand then when it became available and at a cheap price you buy as much as you can. Especially when you shoot on a regular basis. The ammo manufacturing is the easiest for them to target because they know if you have no ammo you can’t defend yourself and you just have a paperweight
And the SCOTUS should have their voting and political involvement stripped away and do everything by the Constitution PERIOD
Good! They deserve what they get. Idiots!
I would tend to doubt the validity of this story since NY State legislature is in Albany not Brooklyn.
You people are FOOL’S !
“for the children” yes we know …
Words of wisdom spoken by a great leader
Brooklyn has become a Muslim city.
Ny is controlled by Michael Bloomberg a billionare Jew that is spending millions on his passion to pass illegal laws againest all legal US citizens. Obama is one of his puppets along with many liberal democrats