Not content with restricting guns, New York lawmakers are moving to restrict valuable components of them.
Proud of their efforts to further limit the rights of gun owners, state legislators announced that they introduced new measures to tighten laws regulating the sale of ammunition in the New York Senate and Assembly.
The bills, drawn up by state Senator Roxane Persuad and Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon, are supposedly about keeping terrorists from stockpiling ammo, as happened in California with the San Bernardino shooters, but many New Yorkers are concerned that they will impose undue hindrances on law-abiding gun owners.
For example, gun owners would only be permitted to purchase a certain amount of ammo within the same 90-day time period. On top of that gun vendors will be prohibited from selling ammo for particular weapons if the customer is not authorized to own said weapon.
Read more about the bills on the next page:
I may never get to see New York City if this is the place I’m going to see.
“Shall not be INFRINGED upon”
There is a storm brewing…..
MORONS——- sales just went up!
Any law against our rights and the Constitution is null and void.
Please come to NJ to buy your ammo.
LIBERAL NYS is so near bankrupt it isnt funny. All they do is tax you to death and still they want the ashes.
Unconstitutional the Supreme Court had ruled on this years ago. They rule in part that ammo falls under the 2nd amendment as a part of being armed and restriction are banning would be a violation of the 2nd Amendment.
So now, New York has to catch up with and out do Chicago????