The relationship between Islam and western nations has came into sharp focus in the first two weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency. Ostensibly, this has been set off by his banning travel to America from seven nations that are beset with terrorists and terrorist organizations. They all also happen to be Muslim nations, and that’s the reason for the outcry.
Yet President Trump has not created anything new — and certainly nothing unique. Tension between Muslim immigrants and the citizens of nations such as Germany and France have been making the news frequently as of late. And, of course, the problem has its roots in events that happened centuries ago, if you wish to go back that far.
Nevertheless, there are groups within Islam that are pushing for a caliphate, or the establishment of an Islamic government that is lead by a caliph, or successor to Islamic prophet, Muhammad. This clashes directly with western democratic governments, especially with the form of government established by the US Constitution, and therein lies the problem. More on page two.
Where? Seriously. I want to know where. I live in rural CO. If one is near me id like to know how to find it. I will teach them “Murphy’s Law” , anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Come on over we have a bigger surprise for you we are the most fighting Nation on this planet our woman will kick you goat humping$#%&!@*around your shoulders .
The only ones that do not understand this are the liberals. They will really be losing their heads if they keep bringing them in. They need to read up on what the Koran and sharia law commands them to do. All the goodie goodie stuff will not work on them. Heads are going to roll.
Mike Keith Powell Trump is trying to protect us but the left is trying to block his efforts!!
Uh, yeah I don’t think so asscunts !!
England is in trouble. Trump wants to keep this away from us. I’m sure now they rue the day they ever let them in. These people will not assimilate — they want to rule!!!
Obama’s plan to destroy our country let them in
Sad part is the zombie mobs whipped up by communist bully boys in the US are too stupid to understand the threat ! When it’s too late the trash will whine why didn’t anyone tell us we didn’t know , it’s someone else’s fault NOT ours !
Bring it. Me and millions of Americans are ready . . . and waiting.
PS this is why ovomit and the commie libs want our guns ,so WE can’t protect our families from these lice !