Watch British Intelligence advisor Michael Shrimpton’s report that Obama was born in Kenya and that the CIA performed covert DNA testing on him, with the results coming back showing no match to his claimed grandparents.
He also reports that Obama’s father ran guns for the Mau Mau, which was a criminal group that worked with British army in a revolt between 1952 and 1960 in Kenya.
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Funny, the video poster’s youtube account has been terminated.
Sounds right to me.
Why does our congress sit idle ???
Because it is false. Shrimpton is a liar who has gone to jail in England for making false reports. (Now what do you suppose was the motive??)
Our Senate is used to being impotent and corrupt.
two of their most endurirng qualities ,ech guys and girls !
No Video
the people in d/c has no, balls to stop him. hes a lier and fraud, they dont wont to up set the person who helped get him in. be glad when hes in a 6×6 and never let out and put all of his zars in one along with the ones kissing his ass
You people are a bunch of idiotic morons! You are still hanging on a lie that has been proven time and again to be false, but no matter what nothing is provable to you idiots. Crawl back under whatever rock you came from!!!
Go take a swan dive in a mule’s ass. You are just another rag head ass kisser. Keep challenging people you don’t know and someone will be more than happy to Cram that rock you speak of up your sorry ass….
Gee really? So all of his college applications and student attendance files reads ‘foreign exchange student’ as he himself filled in the information. So tell me ‘Knowitall’, was he lying then or lying now?
hey bro , lay offf the rocks ! , ok they did nothin to you to dis them like that , it’s barry fault , or was that barac , no its barry , nawwww its, barac , no , ok i’m losing it here it’s guido ( i think ), not sure really .h well back under the rock ! bye , bye !
While I don’t view this as a correctable issue at this point, this has never “been proven.” In fact Obama has gone to extreme lengths to hide most of his past. What Presidential candidate seals their birth records and school transcripts? He could easily have put all this behind us by simply releasing the documents, but he has refused. the one birth certificate that was produced is highly suspect.
The sad fact is that whatever it was that was so important for him to hide, he seems to have gotten away with, and millions of brain dead liberal lemmings are OK with that.
there’s the proof. Start criminal proceedings now.
Funny.!! Obama was born in 1960 but this guy says Obama was gun running in 1952.??? LOL!!!! Obama’s Father must have been doing the Gun Running while Obama was still in Dads Bag, instead of being in Baghdad.
I started warning people what and who Obama was in April 2008. Six hours after I wrote what was inside Obama the fly appeared in the middle of his forehead to confirm what I wrote. Please note that was the last time for a “fly” appearance.
If you want to see the article, search for “TQO#237 Thank You God YHVH for confirming my Obama = Lord Of The Flies, so soon!”
Obama was allowed by God to be Satan’s pick, #44, in the “Curse of the Zeroes – Part 3 – America Judged to be Murderers by God”.
Our nation of Babylon has been judged, the bad news is God kills 2/3 of the population (Zech 13), the good news is he saves 1/3 as his own. I suggest being that 1/3 and moving from the east and west coasts. God is about to kill Congress.
As for the UK, the Queen of Britain will probably survive, her being a direct blood relative God promised would sit on the throne until the return of Jesus, as for the rest of the UK, you might consider fleeing sodom-lite as I am sure once the USA goes down, your fanatic Muslim population will be out there beheading everyone in the name of Allah … enjoy your gunless society.
i’m shocked , no really !!!!!!!
i’m shocked , truly shocked , no really i am really truly double dare shocked !!!!!!! , no i mean it, i can’t believe how deeply and profoundly shocked i am ,