And the leaves have it! Brits have voted to leave the European Union, in spite of the grim warnings given by the experts and specifically E.U. “Puppet Master”, George Soros, who campaigned for the “remain” vote. The “British elites” used fear as a main tactic to get people to vote to stay in the E.U. insisting that GDP per household would fall by $6,321 and that the pound would be devalued by 15-20 percent.
Election polls, prior to yesterday’s historic vote, predicted that the “remains” was ahead to such an extent that London bookies were offering 13 to 1 odds against the “leave” campaign. Other polls however said differently, as “polling carried out for ‘The Independent’ [newspaper] shows that 55 per cent of UK voters intend to vote for Britain to leave the EU in the 23 June referendum”.
What the experts don’t understand is that the good people of Great Britain are tired of the bending to the will of the E.U., being forced to submit to unrelenting immigration, and the inability to remove the technocrats from their ivory towers of unbridled power, so in “Brexit”, they found their answer to freedom and chose to take it.
Soros and the like thought they would win, but it would seem that a higher authority poured torrential rain, causing great flooding in Southeast England, an area most likely to cast a “remain” vote.
Read more on Brexit, the markets and how democracy was victorious on the next page.
Bet Soros is one of the loser over this,
We can only hope he lost so much he can’t afford to buy the next election
Evil walks the earth. He has sons that will take his place when he dies, unfortunately.
F**k this evil$#%&!@*
I think the whole world is turning their backs on Soros and Obama. Funny isn’t lol lol lol lol.
Perhaps he is the devil himself.
America needs to cut ties with the UN
The driving factor in the result for “leave” was the open borders of the EU countries. Culturally, London is already gone. Much of east London is currently “no go”. 1000 years of history and tradition lost to the idiocy of blind tolerance and the PC spew of the new world order Prog-bot elites. Self proclaimed, intellectually superior Morons that have sold out their own countrymen and destroyed much of their own nation that they have sworn to defend. The only reason Ireland and Scotland didn’t come along now is because they haven’t experienced the infestation like England has. England at least has a chance to survive the economic hit they will take, however England and the rest of Europe will have no chance to survive if they continue to allow the infestation of this cancer that currently flows through their streets like a torrent of raw sewage from a flooded storm drain and that will eventually breed them out of existence. All my hopes for the restoration of the nations of Britain and the proud, courageous history of their people. All my prayers that it is not too little too late. God’s blessings….Hold Fast!!!
I.m waiting for the eu to collapse. You are done soros.