Brexit, Soros and God


It poured in Southeast London yesterday, keeping many pro-remain voters indoors, instead of going to the polls.  Despite the great rallying cry of the George Soros, the E.U. puppet, “Brexit” was victorious and the Brits are a free people again.

Initially, it seemed that those who desired to remain part of the the E.U., those who cling to the status quo, who are pro-immigration and technocrat, were heading toward victory.  The scare tactics of crashing markets and the plunging of the pound, seemed to have the desire effect upon the populous.  Yet, as information got into the homes and hearts of the people, their views began to shift.

The numbers have shifted as people have learned more about the referendum. At first a clear majority of British wanted to stay part of the EU, but as more information was provided, the situation has reversed. As in the U.S., business is more than happy to have immigrants come in and compete for the jobs that are available. The Labor party, representing unions, is a bit more dubious as union members express dissatisfaction over scarce housing and stagnant wages. But just as it is in the U.S., the Labor party sees a potential increase in membership by unlimited immigration, and the move seems to be going towards leaving the EU rather than staying. That could very well swing the entire election.

If the common sense arguments were not enough to convince the voters to support “Brexit”, their frustrations regarding the immigration seemed to push them to join the “leave” side.

Many people seem ready to vote for Brexit even though the poll shows they believe it involves some risk and think the economy is more important than immigration – widely seen as the Leave camp’s trump card.

However, warnings about the economic impact of Brexit appear to have hit home. According to ORB, eight out of 10 people – and of Conservative voters – think leaving the EU would pose some risk, and only 19 per cent think it would pose no risk at all. But a majority of both groups are still prepared to take the risk.

Polling experts say the result is still too close to call, and that there has been a late swing to the “status quo” option in previous referendums, including the one on Scottish independence in 2014. They also point out that telephone polls consistently give Remain a higher rating than online surveys.

Breitbart says that God intervened and perhaps He did.

In “Act of God” level storm system was about to wallop the UK and favor the Brexit. The worst of the day’s torrential rain storms and severe flooding hit hardest in Southeast England, which was expected to be the strongest area for the pro-remain vote.

The chaos depressed the national vote to a turnout of just 72 percent, versus the approximately 80 percent expected in the days preceding the referendum. The bad weather did not deter “leave” voters, but meaningfully suppressed the “remain” vote.

The markets did take a drastic plunge following the “Brexit” victory, with Breitbart news predicting that the U.K. will lose their top-tier AAA bond rating, the pound will plunge by -11 percent and the FTSE will fall by -8%.

The day was tumultuous in the U.K. and around the world, with U.S. Dow Jones down by 4%, Japanese stocks falling by -8% and Hong Kong shares tumbling by 5%, but with the upset in the market, gold surged to near 6% and the continental European shares rose 1 to 2 percent.

In an interesting exchange between Vote Leave’s Michael Grove and Sky New’s Faisal Islam, Islam challenged the Justice Secretary to give one name of an independent economic authority who believed “Brexit” was a good idea.

“I’m glad these organizations aren’t on my side,” he said. “I think people in this country have had enough of experts.”

Mr Islam spluttered incredulously. People in this country, he repeated, “have had enough of experts?”

Mr Gove stood his ground. Yes, he said, people in this country had had enough of experts “saying that they know what is best”.  Mr Gove had “faith in the British people”. The so-called experts, clearly, did not.

The people of Great Britain have spoken and the ayes have it.  The risk that is involved in any bold move does not negate the possibility for greatness and a future that will free the U.K. from the chains of the E.U. that forced them into.   As previously mentioned:

Membership in the EU means that all member countries shared the same trade rules to enhance trade and prevent protectionism, a common currency to make trade and interaction easier, and free movement of labor between member nations. When initially proposed, England expected far fewer immigrants, but as Eastern European nations have joined, the numbers from Poland, the Baltic States, Romania, Slovakia, and even from Spain, Portugal and Greece have been three to four times as high as anticipated. Membership in the EU means that Britain cannot turn these immigrants away, so they truly do not have any control over their own border. This has put a strain on housing, health care, education, and a host of other government provided services. British citizens are now pushing back, and the popular move seems to be with the “Leaves” as the issue is debated, with the “Remains” losing ground.

The reverberations from the Brexit triumph will motivate populist insurgent parties across the European continent to demand similar referendums. Nigel Farage, who led the fight for the Brexit, told the BBC, “Let June 23rd go down in our history as our Independence Day.” He added, “The euroskeptic genie is out of the bottle and it will now not be put back.”

Source: Breitbart Liberty Blitzkrieg

Photo: Wearechange




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