It’s only a matter of time before Donald Trump is sworn as President of the United States, but the beef between him and the intelligence community is as thick as ever.
In an unprecedented display of unprofessionalism, leaders from numerous intelligence agencies went out of their way to weigh in on the 2016 presidential election and urge Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton. Their argument was that Trump was “unfit” to lead and would thus jeopardize the security of the country, echoing claims made by pundits in the Beltway and media. Yet all this did was endear the GOP candidate to Americans who started to view him as a breath of fresh air and an agent of much-needed change.
So when Trump beat Hillary in a major upset, the IC, along with the rest of the establishment, went into a tailspin, and declared nothing less than war on the incoming administration.
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Lying sacks of poo.
I wouldn’t trust this guy to protect a pig farm if it meant his life.
Funny how he brings up Crimea and Ukraine as references. They became independent Russian States when the USSR went down. These states are important to Russia because they are the ports used by the Russian navy. Soros financed the ‘rebellion’, and when it started getting beat- he lead the US into it.
Now think. How would we react/feel if the Russians did this to any of our Naval ports?
…and we wonder why Russia is pissed off, and taking a war footing??
We have no business messing with them in this way unless we’re seriously committed to a WW3 scenario. It would seem Russia has excersized great restraint up to now.
Brennan is an idiot, and globalist agitator.
Here’s another guy that should be looking for a “Retirement Home”!
“this is more than being about him…” Oh, as in the way Obama ran his dictatorship?
Incessant bragging, vindictive temper tantrum’s, giving out multiple awards like candy because “these are the people who inspired ME”.
Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
Instead of giving out appropriate awards because people actually did something for the United States and not for HIS humongous ego, he chose the lesser Road.
It’s not about the president, it’s about the United States and the citizens and I’m sure if a general consensus would’ve been taken the list of recipients would be far different than what beanhead decided it should be.
This from someone who turned Muslim
Isn’t this the guy who just converted to ISLAM??? I hope he “spontaneously’ COMBUSTS!!!
Brennan is another Obama hack, don’t care what he says!
Brennan if it’s found out after your departure that you fabricated the Russian interference c**p I hope you are arrested and convicted for spreading false information, insighting riots and for simply being a liberal moron with no normal conscious!$#%&!@*#1 you are!
Like you post – they should arrest this ahole as soon as he vacates the CIA building!