It’s only a matter of time before Donald Trump is sworn as President of the United States, but the beef between him and the intelligence community is as thick as ever.
In an unprecedented display of unprofessionalism, leaders from numerous intelligence agencies went out of their way to weigh in on the 2016 presidential election and urge Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton. Their argument was that Trump was “unfit” to lead and would thus jeopardize the security of the country, echoing claims made by pundits in the Beltway and media. Yet all this did was endear the GOP candidate to Americans who started to view him as a breath of fresh air and an agent of much-needed change.
So when Trump beat Hillary in a major upset, the IC, along with the rest of the establishment, went into a tailspin, and declared nothing less than war on the incoming administration.
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Or u and Obama…Brennan.
He converted to islam
And its more than about your agenda too! Say goodbye;9)
Why are they trying to stir trouble with Russia now??? What are they afraid of???? We’ve heard hardly nothing about Russia in the past 8 years or so…now all of a sudden Russia becomes our #1 enemy?????? Has all this have something to do with radical terroist muslims and letting them infiltrate the United States of America….
Yes, be spontaneous fu%^@ck this liberal$#%&!@* Shame on this hack trying to undermine President Donald Trump with his lies and misdirections. This Obama hack is a danger to our country.
Your fired.
The intelligence community is the most corrupt in the US Government….when this anti-American is fired and the investigation and arrests start…these weasels are gonna run away as quickly as they can.
Yeah Brennan head you own words liar!!
yes and don’t get caught telling them on hot mic that you’ll “have more leverage after the election! ” and no it isn’t about you Trump, even though that is exactly what the DEMS and media have been focusing on the last few months. LOL these people are insane !
STFU & disappear into the ash heap of history, please!!!