The mainstream media has been no friend of Donald Trump, but he’s found allies in news organizations such as Breitbart, who have, for the most part, covered Trump in a fair, often favorable way. It’s for that reason that many were surprised by allegations that Michelle Fields, a reporter for Breitbart, claimed that she was assaulted by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at a recent Trump campaign event.
Of course, allegations of press roughhousing has been brought up before, most recently by a Time Magazine photographer, but considering the leanings of the organizations making the accusations, it was doubtful that it would have any negative impact on the way they covered Trump. After all, how could it get worse?
Now that the campaign has targeted a conservative news outlet, however, people are paying attention.
See Breitbart’s response on the next page:
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I thought is was all a lie
…they will go to Any lengths to bring Trump down …. grrr
I’m sure tempers rise, adrenolin flows faster and things happen for which everyone will be sorry but to blame Trump for every little mishap and slight that goes on is the wrong decision. Blame the person who did it.
Turned out to be a lieing bitch
Get out of the way then.
That reporter was told to make it look like it happened at all cost even if she had to do it to herself , to make Trump look bad.
She normally covers the Cruz camp. Why was she at the Trump event?
She normally covers the Cruz camp. Why was she at the Trump event?
Looking for media attention.
Just another liar. Wants her picture on the news. Honestly, give it up. It didn’t work last time and won’t work this time.