Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is leaving Wisconsin for The Department of Homeland Security.
“I will be leaving the position of sheriff to accept an appointment as assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security,” Clarke said during an interview on WISN radio Wednesday.
“I’m both honored and humbled to be appointed to this position by Secretary (John) Kelly, working for the Trump administration. It will be in specifically, the office of partnership and programs.”
Clarke says he expects to begin working at DHS in June.
Clarke has been an outspoken supporter of President Trump’s proposed border security measures. In addition to being a vocal critic of the media’s refusal to report on the severity of the black-on-black crimes or the true motives of the Black Lives Matters movement.
His strong stance against crime and proven track record of doing the right thing regardless of whether or not it will cause a few snowflakes to melt makes him a hero of American freedom and a valuable asset to The Department of Homeland Security.
Source: MRCTV
We allowed you to chase a ghost and the real targets are the Treasonous criminals Obama and Hillary.
Fabrication by the worthless zero credibility media. Because their Russian collusion lie is sinking
CNN, MSNBC, CBS are not news outlets but Today’s degenerate Liberal Propaganda machines!
Not an ounce of credibility
That’s why you Liberal douchebags have been stripped of making any more decisions outside of your homes.
No matter how many distractions you try we have people on the Treasonous Muslim Obama and his minions along with the criminal Hillary.
Lol… Obama and Hillary$#%&!@*is now on the Block. They are coming for you two Treasonous criminal douchebags!
Prosecute with extreme prejudice.
No mercy.
Ken, how about I stay in the truth & you stay stupid!
Tommy Funk Wow that was so cute I think you should get a gold star for it. But sorry that you don’t like facts 🙂
Smh, just cause someone is in jail doesn’t mean they did something heinous. Not everything deserves jail time. Currently, jail is just a revolving door of income and does little to actually rehabilitate or provide guidance to keep people out. I am not referring to heinous crimes when I say rehabilitate either. So please don’t start with the “Lisa thinks they should free murderers and rapists.”
Can’t wait for June to arrive,
I am thrilled that Sheriff Clarke has been chosen for this position….he will be such an asset!
That’s great news
This man is exceptional
Thank you for your service