Kayla Mueller would have celebrated her 27th birthday on August 14th. But that will never happen, and her family is left with what only Middle Eastern families of daughters feel who’s daughters are held captive by ISIS. That their daughters are held as sex slaves under Islamic law. Mueller was kidnapped, from a bus stop in 2013 while on her way to Syria to work as an aid worker. What comes next, is a tale of horrific torture and rape, all condoned as something “holy” by the fanatical terrorist al-Baghdadi.
And those ones like you believe corporate medias lies. And the same owners of these medias run America’s election. shake my head.
She got what she deserves
It’s time…….to knock the bully down!! We (USA) have stood and fought for the weak since our independence, to see these atrocities happening without reciprocation is demoralizing to say the least!! Where’s my camander in chief?? Hey obama, you suck!!! As a prez, an american, and as a human, you are an embarr$#%&!@*ment! !! I can’t believe what this country, and this planet has been reduced to! This entire administration has left me feeling helpless and ashamed to be an AMERICAN, for the first time in my life!! Very sad right now…..
Shouldn’t have gone over there, oh well.
Sick bunch of ba–ards!
They are all sick SOB’S just like Obama. He’s got his HEAD up Michelle’s.
She asked for it.
The problem is islam.
Find all of them and exterminate them just like $#%&!@* roaches
Mourning for this young lady and what she went through. Why is this not in the news? Why isn’t our president demanding justice for her attack, kidnapping and death? Why aren’t the American people outraged about this? Why?