Kayla Mueller would have celebrated her 27th birthday on August 14th. But that will never happen, and her family is left with what only Middle Eastern families of daughters feel who’s daughters are held captive by ISIS. That their daughters are held as sex slaves under Islamic law. Mueller was kidnapped, from a bus stop in 2013 while on her way to Syria to work as an aid worker. What comes next, is a tale of horrific torture and rape, all condoned as something “holy” by the fanatical terrorist al-Baghdadi.
hmm, perhaps if u stayed away from them with your legs wide open . . .
Nuke the animals
When we cut off his junk and sew in some pork they will get the message
What are your facts bacon boy?
Doesn’t it also say to kill all non-believers? Let’s face it, every holy book written is full of contradictions which allow radicals of every faith to operate under the $#%&!@*umption they are doing what’s right.
Just wait. Isis isn’t done yet.
Yes it says when they fight u like now when u are busy invading country after country
They should contact north korea i guess
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This story should not be paraded infront of the public for fear mongering they instead should have stoped sending money guns and vehicles to isis