At least 12 people have been killed and eight injured in mass shooting inside a learning disability center in California.
Police are still on the hunt for three ‘white men dressed in ski masks and military gear’. The suspects are reported to have fled the scene in a black SUV.
The exact location in the building where the shooting took place was rented to an ‘outside group’.
There is still an active search for shooters on site and the bomb squad is utilizing robots in search for possible explosives.
Did Obama or the media say it was white Christians yet? all illegals are automatically approved for gun sales even thought they typically do not find any need to follow laws of national security or other wise. Mexico runs everything from people to all drugs through and under our boarder 24 hrs a day, the Middle East and China are the top heroin producers in the world, the Middle East imports people all day long, China imports our goods all day long and maybe America is like Europe that we have so many on mind drugs that everyone gets high doses through their drinking water.
Why did they not report the mass shooting by a Black Man in New Orleans on the 27th of Nov???? Why do they not report these as well as the Whites doing it?????
The Fox News anchor also referred at one point to the suspected gunmen as “bad actors”?! Coincidentally enough there was an active shooter drill at local victor valley college on Monday Nov.30 involving all these same dept. ??!
Victor valley press has the article.i posted it on my time line
I smell another hoax
It’s amazing the people in charge don’t know anything and no one inside knows anything. There was three shooters in ski masks, and they drove off in a Black SUV. Asked what type of guns they used and they don’ know. “Did you think to pick-up the empty shell casings”, NO. That sure would tell the type of guns. Typical screwed up situation California style.
It was a hoax’s and once they get the guns the farms and ranches will be next they plan on starving you out of your freedoms.
Just watch this
Stay cool, this is govt sponsored shooting.
The suspects are hiding in the nearest mosque. Obama did say that he would pass gun control before Christmas. Don’t trust our present government. How did 3 men get away with an airport right down the street? Don’t trust Obama or his muslim brotherhood group he is connected to. Google this…all true