At least 12 people have been killed and eight injured in mass shooting inside a learning disability center in California.
Police are still on the hunt for three ‘white men dressed in ski masks and military gear’. The suspects are reported to have fled the scene in a black SUV.
The exact location in the building where the shooting took place was rented to an ‘outside group’.
There is still an active search for shooters on site and the bomb squad is utilizing robots in search for possible explosives.
Exactly! More gun control would not stop this. Just make more victims.
The left is insane liars.
And chicken little was on air eporting that the sky is falling, so sick of this f**e c**p. They arn’t even good at it, fidiots.
California may as welll be a gun free zone
I think anyplace that has a lot of people should hire gaurds to patrol no one notice 2,3 men wearing arsonal gear something needs to be done so sad but this is happening more & more we need tp protect ourselve’s everywhere
California may have gun controll, but we don’t have staged shooting events controll. Darn.
California, hmmmm I’m sure there are camera’s on every street corner. Tell us again how you can’t find the vehicle!
Thanks to Obama
Lewis Hardin i was thinking the same thing?