Forensic acoustics suggest the presence of a second shooter during the Las Vegas massacre. This aligns with earlier eyewitness reports. Despite the scripted mainstream news reports playing down these narratives, many still remain available to the public at large through social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.
With all the reports and conspiracies surrounding the tragic Las Vegas shooting, it’s comforting to know science can at least provide us with a few absolute answers regarding what really happened.
Mike Adams, an award-winning investigative journalist, and science lab director, explains exactly what this new forensic acoustic analysis means on the next page. In the shocking video on the next page, he goes over all of the numbers and audio files proving science clearly shows the presence of multiple shooters during the Las Vegas shooting.
Move to the next page for analysis:
Have you ever been in a contact or been in a firefight? Listen to the recordings and any military serving or vet will tell you after listening to the recordings will tell you multiple locations, different distances and also there is a patch of over lapping fire in the beginning. Don’t be an ostrich.
I don’t need to worry about it, I’ve got my aluminum foil hat on and it’s pointed at a 65% angle exactly where the GOP manufacturer directions said to put it.
Would not doubt
You cannot dismiss the possibility that there was more than one!
Double$#%&!@*rifles at over 600 yards..!! My Di should of taught me better. My Expert Marksman badge means nothing to me.. now..
Sounds like the rounds hitting concrete and the sound of the reports catching up…You know.. that whole supersonic bullet thing
I have been saying all along the police version and the media’s version of this mass murder has been a lie and a cover-up.
False flag operation
Goes to show that they don’t like deplorables and country music!