Forensic acoustics suggest the presence of a second shooter during the Las Vegas massacre. This aligns with earlier eyewitness reports. Despite the scripted mainstream news reports playing down these narratives, many still remain available to the public at large through social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.
With all the reports and conspiracies surrounding the tragic Las Vegas shooting, it’s comforting to know science can at least provide us with a few absolute answers regarding what really happened.
Mike Adams, an award-winning investigative journalist, and science lab director, explains exactly what this new forensic acoustic analysis means on the next page. In the shocking video on the next page, he goes over all of the numbers and audio files proving science clearly shows the presence of multiple shooters during the Las Vegas shooting.
Move to the next page for analysis:
Videos, that appeared from cell phones and were taken off of fb shortly after being posted, showed yet another sniper well below the floors with the broken windows and to the left of the marque. The flashes from the window coincided with the sound of the shots fired. The person was at just the correct angle to record it because from any other angel it would have been hidden by the lights of the marque. I know because I saw the videos shortly after they were posted. And I shared them. When I went back to share them again….they were gone.
Yes. Behind the marque. I saw them and they were taken off of fb.
Matthew Stone, Mike Howard
Do you really think to be debunked means its not true? Seriously? They lie to us constantly. Did you forget how many days they told us Benghazi was retaliation for a video that insulted islam? They knew that was a lie as it was happening and the rescuer’s were told to “stand down” and yet they kept repeating the same lie.
I saw the videos before they were taken off of fb and the flashes coincided with the sound of the shots. It was not a “strobe light” as they tried to convince us.
Charlie Walter Johnson
The entire window doesn’t have to be broken out as it was on the upper floors. Glass can be cut to accommodate. And you mean to tell me those entire windows were blown out and no one heard anything? No one saw glass falling?
Those windows taken out like they were was a bit dramatic. That glass is incredibly thick. Not easily busted out quietly.
There has been NO ballistic reports as far as I know.
So much is being hidden from us! Just like always!
F**e news. Family member was there in the same hotel. Was only one guy…
Sooooooooo, the mystery deepens.