Forensic acoustics suggest the presence of a second shooter during the Las Vegas massacre. This aligns with earlier eyewitness reports. Despite the scripted mainstream news reports playing down these narratives, many still remain available to the public at large through social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.
With all the reports and conspiracies surrounding the tragic Las Vegas shooting, it’s comforting to know science can at least provide us with a few absolute answers regarding what really happened.
Mike Adams, an award-winning investigative journalist, and science lab director, explains exactly what this new forensic acoustic analysis means on the next page. In the shocking video on the next page, he goes over all of the numbers and audio files proving science clearly shows the presence of multiple shooters during the Las Vegas shooting.
Move to the next page for analysis:
His diagram of the scene is definitely not to scale and still trying to figure out how he could determine the sounds of bullets hitting asphalt. Also he has no idea exactly where the audio was recorded at the scene.
Also notice the “Glock” in the holster on his right side.
Too many unknowns with his theory…just my opinion
Gunfire passing through glass? Explain how that’s done please.
Goes along nicely with the multiple time lines!
Sorry lol yall fail to grasp common since 2 shooter dumbing 1200 round each in 10 minutes would have killed more then 58 people an wounded up to thousands when you have a compacted group of 22thousand people.
1 rather they both in the same room or different room or different location. A shooter that has invested time inplaning wouldn’t use one shooting location let alone same building because you can creat mayhem. An kill more that way. By splitting the force that going to stop you for going in two directions. There for you have more time to kill then 10 minutes.
4th floor was debunk by multiple news agency in interview. As a emergency exit strobe
The only thing I beleave is a second person in the room helping paddick. By loading he tosses to empty rifle grab fresh one dump an the person loading an chambring an an handing off to him. I no other way to dump 3000 rounds in 10 minutes with 100 round magazine. Unless you have some one in side helping
One shooter having a loader helper. Not 2 shooter. 2 shooter will creat more dead an wound its basic army military tactics
Also his graph at no point shows the height the shots came from I watched the full video hoping he would say something about shooting down from that height.
Its just math…