BREAKING: Alex Jones Releases Leaked Copy of FISA Memo

Alex Jones is claiming to have produced the classified FISA memo on the tongues of every politician in Washington over the past few days.

Here are the highlights from this memo:

In the above memo, the NSA admits that US citizens were targeted by its analysts through Section 702 ‘upstream’ collection and vowed to make changes to its surveillance methods. This indicates the NSA and other intelligence agencies were pressured by the Trump administration to scrap its Obama-era policies that “allowed” illegal spying on US citizens.

“Section 702 has come under fire in recent months due to the alleged ‘unmasking’ and leaking of information about Americans — namely associates of President Donald Trump — that was collected in the surveillance of foreign targets,” reported FCW. “Some members of Congress threatened in March that they would have a hard time renewing 702 before it expires at the end of 2017 unless the administration prosecutes those responsible for the leaks.”

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