Murky waters surround the U.S. Olympic swimmers as reports show that Brazilian authorities held Jimmy Feigen “hostage” unless he gave them $50,000. Add this to the evidence that the police fabricated the story that the four American swimmers vandalized and destroyed the bathroom at the gas station where they were robbed at gun point and the entire story smells like a rat.
Feigen was pulled from the plane as he was trying to return home and held by the Brazilian authorities until he eventually paid $10,800 to gain his freedom. Nothing in the story adds up, except the pile of money the police swindled out of Feigen.
The story is a complete fairy-tale made up by the police. Feigen has reported that they never entered the bathroom at the gas station and USA Today has debunked the report that there was ever any damage.
Police transcripts state that none of the swimmers were held at gun-point, but the four Americans content they were robbed. The “Brazilian authorities maintain the stance that having your money taken at gunpoint in Brazil is not robbery. It is instead simply a form of negotiating.”
What do they call holding an American hostage for $50,000?
Read more on the next page.
This is so sad, because Ryan has already lost his endorsements and that hurts, and now this one is out 10, 800 for a crime they didn’t do!! This is just not right, where are the other athletes or is it just because of our president!!
Sounds like blackmail.
Stop going to these countries.
Brazil is corrupt and the Olympics should never have been held there.
When you are apprehended in some of these South American countries, very seldom you have to go to court. You pay the police the bribe and that’s the end of the problem. That is the way it works, the police are happy to catch you doing something wrong because that is sure money in their pockets. We don’t know exactly what happened but probably it was not as bad as what it looks
Brazil is a third world country? Where did you go to school?
Oh the poor innocent swimmers. They are such good boys. Lol. You ppl need to get real.
You do realize they admitted to the crime right?
They were made to admit because it never happened according to the local news !
Haha. You must have the worst local news of alltime. There is video proof plus their admission and witness testimony. There is no clearer case possible by justice standards. Get out from under that rock.