Appearing in this video from Wednesday, an emboldened gathering of top Al Qaeda members listened to the group’s worldwide second-in-command, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, somewhere in Yemen.
Just two years after the Obama administration declared the terrorist group fully “decimated” they appear brazenly ready to act against the United States, once more.
CNN described Wednesday as “what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering in years.”
“The U.S. intelligence community should be surprised that such a large group of al-Qaida assembled together, including the leadership, and somehow they didn’t notice,” said Bergen. “… The main problem about this group is that it has a bomb maker who can put bombs on to planes that can’t be detected.” Obama touted the imminent eradication of al-Qaida as a terror threat against the U.S. throughout his re-election campaign, telling multiple audiences that the group is “on the path to defeat” and its loose network of affiliates are “on the run.” An alternate theory suggesting a reason behind al-Qaida’s recent resurgence might posit that the terror group never has been “decimated” and that its organizational, communications and recruiting tactics have simply changed to accommodate both the Obama Administration’s few successes and to take advantage of newly lawless zones that permeate freshly destabilized areas of the Mideast. Source: PersonalLibertyThe video is better-produced than many that have emanated from al-Qaida in the past, and analyst Peter Bergen believes the group is demonstrating a fresh confidence in its ability to carry out strikes against the U.S. — though U.S. intelligence either doesn’t know, or isn’t commenting on, the nature of any plots against the Nation.
Everyone was a pedophile back then. It was normal. Just like how our child protection laws are nowadays. Everyone accepts it. Besides, back then, with no medicines or surgeries or antibiotics, its either have a big family, as fast as possible, or your bloodline will be extinguished. “pedophilia” today, was not pedophilia back then. Just remember, if your 15 year old grandma from a thousand years ago didnt have all those babies by a “pedophile”, you and a LOT of your relatives may never have even come into existence. And for anyone with royalty in their ancestry, you are a product of inbreeding. Things are different now, and with good reason, but back then, that was the life people lived. And people were still doing up to colonial times and $#%&!@*. Things were normal then, here and now, our things are normal to us but I gaurantee, 500 years from now, our descendants will look at our history and think we were just a bunch of sicko babarians and $#%&!@* y’know? But enough of religion. This is about politics and our failure of a government.
misinformed the public, that Ahole obama, knew what he was doing from the start, and he wants dissention in our country, so that he and his crony democrats can steal trillions from our GOP. weakening us to the point that we are or were like Russians were a about ten years ago. why I don’t know, but to hazard a guess I’d say that this slime rag, in working with those same terrorist, that we let go from Gitmo. that in it self would be treason in my book. it all adds up to that point so far. how they corrupted these public official’s and continued to hide the facts, or obstructed investigation after investigation, and yet not one of these $#%&!@*s have faced justice. yet they spend billions of dollars, on bogus projects that would never have worked in the first place. take that scam polosy gave her son-in-law, with solarndar it never would have been built, and they knew it. yet still allowed it, now the scam with REID all if it coming through the BLM, and their expansion plans. yet there are even more farms/ and ranch’s being taken over by these scabs. we the people are allowing it to happen, we have to stop these shiots people.
Over my dead body!
You and those like you can Stay in your own country. Your not wanted here!
Terrorism only works if you are terrorized and only the helpless live in terror.
Ever seen O’s Towel ?
Obama is muslim these are his way is he going to hurt them…..the elite want to kill millions of people and we are the terriortist
Bring it BITCH
And the people of this country elect a closet muslim who continues to weaken this country so this will more easily happen in the future…..wake up America or become dead or muslim.
Obama is Americas chief terrorist threat today.