Appearing in this video from Wednesday, an emboldened gathering of top Al Qaeda members listened to the group’s worldwide second-in-command, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, somewhere in Yemen.
Just two years after the Obama administration declared the terrorist group fully “decimated” they appear brazenly ready to act against the United States, once more.
CNN described Wednesday as “what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering in years.”
“The U.S. intelligence community should be surprised that such a large group of al-Qaida assembled together, including the leadership, and somehow they didn’t notice,” said Bergen. “… The main problem about this group is that it has a bomb maker who can put bombs on to planes that can’t be detected.” Obama touted the imminent eradication of al-Qaida as a terror threat against the U.S. throughout his re-election campaign, telling multiple audiences that the group is “on the path to defeat” and its loose network of affiliates are “on the run.” An alternate theory suggesting a reason behind al-Qaida’s recent resurgence might posit that the terror group never has been “decimated” and that its organizational, communications and recruiting tactics have simply changed to accommodate both the Obama Administration’s few successes and to take advantage of newly lawless zones that permeate freshly destabilized areas of the Mideast. Source: PersonalLibertyThe video is better-produced than many that have emanated from al-Qaida in the past, and analyst Peter Bergen believes the group is demonstrating a fresh confidence in its ability to carry out strikes against the U.S. — though U.S. intelligence either doesn’t know, or isn’t commenting on, the nature of any plots against the Nation.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every Drone Attack and every covert CiA action every where in the world, the trillions of dollars wasted on Obama’s stupid War on Terror, and each one of them wants collateral damage just like what we have now in Africa and the Middle East in our cities with Robot Cops and Drones. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the economy of the United States being in the toilet. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the Senate and the House being too childish to work together. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the war crimes committed by the As Qaeda in Syria and their use of Chemical Weapons. Your current Senator and Representative wanted bomb Syria based on Obama’s lies and the lies our NSA and CIA. All of our Federal Agencies are the most corrupt they have ever been. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for Obama and our CIA supporting and financing Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for millions of dollars and modern weapons being shipped to Egypt. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for weapons being given to the Drug Cartels in the Americas. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for Obamacare, which is unconstitutional and gives the Federal Government the control of how you spend your money on Health Care and what medical treatment you receive. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for giving control of Obamacancer to the IRS, the most corrupt federal organization in the world. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the NDAA and the Patriot Act, which strips everyone of their freedom from arrest and imprisonment without due cause, due process, or the right to face your accuser and gives our government the right to have Political Prisons inside the United States as they have in Cuba and other undisclosed locations. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every travesty caused by the Shut Down including taking our National Parks and Monuments from us and threatening our veterans with non payment of benefits. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every hour a person with a painful disease or injury is kept from treatment with Marijuana which does not have the toxins or side effects of our prescription medications. Every one of our current Senators and Representatives hate your Human Rights and Freedoms just as much as Obama, Biden, and Holder, or they would have fired the monsters by now. Americans died, Obama and Hillary lied. No Incumbents. Vote them out.
Let them beleive what they want.
The United States should turn all their bases in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East over to NATO and give the War in Afghanistan to NATO. Our CIA and our State Department and our Military has made a horrible mess of it. The War on Terror was a horrible idea from the start and is just creating more Terrorist for tomorrow. Hate and War create only more hate and war.
We do not have enough money to pay our executives in Washington, DC. How can a country that can not even support itself afford to wage a war on the other side of the globe. If our government had a clue which side they were on. They offer billions of dollars and modern weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now are planing to give the money and weapons to the worst enemies of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world, who are in charge in Egypt, today ? We should have no involvement at all in Syria’s Civil War. The United States should not have Jurisdiction to murder people inside Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, or Somali. Obama, Biden, and Kerry should be fired, today. It is not rocket science.
The United States is not in charge of the world and should recognize sovereign nations and borders every where.
The United Nations and every nation in Europe, Asia, and Africa should ask the United States to shut down their Embassies, remove all of their representatives, their spies, and their troops and quit interferring in their affairs.
The United States funded the violence in the Ukraine.
Obama has moved his False Flag from Syria to the Ukraine.
Wish he would wake up & realize that Al Qaeda members still exist & are out to destroy Americans. What is wrong with him????
Christians are being persecuted and murdered in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and our Media, Obama and our Administration, our Senators and Representatives, NATO, and the United Nations refuse to see.
Obamacare isn’t the only horrible disaster Obama’s Administration is forcing on the Untied States.
Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed the Law of the United States.
Our War on Terror has not been stopped and our War on Drugs has not been stopped.
We are murdering children, women, and men with Drones and a covert war on three continents and someone comes up with this stupidity.
Someone wants our Supreme court to say monkeys are people.
Animals are not people. Of course if there is no God, all humans are only hairless apes and good and bad are just the restrictions of our laws and mankind does not have the ability to reason. We are no different from dogs, cats, mice, and ants.
Businesses are not people. Idiots.
Just as the leaders of the United States are working to strip everyone in the United States of all their basic human rights and freedoms the idiots of our world want animals to be listed as almost human, they aren’t. Pigs are smarter than chimps.
Our NSA, CIA, and our government do not have any respect for human life. It is crazy to think they have any respect for animal life.
If the United States and NATO had any respect for our world or human life they would end their stupid War on Terror across Africa, Asia, and the Middle east, give all their Military Bases in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East to the nations the stupid bases exist in, gather up all their war toys and quit murdering people and causing hate, pain, death, and destruction across three continents.
End our wars.
Quit listening to the liars of the CIA and NSA.
War is bad.
Peace is good.
Give us peace for Christmas this year.
Obamacare, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Common Core Education, and Trans Fats Bans is just like Obama, our Judicial Branch, our Senators and our Representatives continually attacking Christians and preaching for Immigration Reform and Gun Control.
It is only about People Control.
It is only about destroying our Human Rights and Freedoms.
Vote all the parasites out.
If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are the problem, not the solution.
Obama, Eric Holder, Biden, John Kerry, and every one of Obama’s appointees should be fired, today.
The Stupid War on Terror should end, today.
We should stop murdering people on three continents.
Obamacare should be repealed, today.
Oprah and anyone who supports the Muslim Obama who hates our Constitution, our Human Rights, our Freedoms, and has us still involved in a War on Terror as our military and our CIA support, finance, and train the Al Qaeda Terrorists in Kentucky are wrong, anyone who can support Obama also has no respect for human life.
Vote the parasites out. If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are monsters.
Elections are coming for our Senators and Representatives.
Republican and Democrat. They are all responsible for our economy being in the toilet, the Knock out Game, all of our federal agencies being so corrupt, Obamacare that was gave to the most corrupt agency in the world, our stupid War on Terror that is based only on the lies of the CIA and NSA which have the same credibility as Obama,
Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder are liars, just like Obama, go to youtube and watch them lie again and again.
The NDAA which was not used on the Boston Bomber because it was written for guys and girls who talk about the criminals in our government and not for Terrorists to hurt us and not to protect us like the Cyber Security Bill was written to limit Free Speech on the Internet and not to protect the internet.
All of our leaders in Washington and our Media lie to us, every day. Their lies and finger pointing changes nothing, if they are in Washington, DC today, they are the problem, not the solution. The liars in office in the Senate and house were there during Benghazi and during the scandals and during our wars.
Vote the parasites out.
No Incumbents.
Obama’s Administration, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies since 2008.
The NSA and CIA have the same credibility Obama has.
They are liars.
Soros and Obama and the United States Government funded “Libyan Scenario” Unfolding in Ukraine.
The National Endowment for Democracy produced the I am a Ukrainian youtube video.
Putin is not in control in Eastern Ukraine, what ever thugs the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros put in charge in the Ukraine are in power there. Russia is not responsible for the violence in the Ukraine. The EU and the United States created and funded it.
“Russia’s Bin Laden,” Dokka Umarov led terrorist death squads in Chechnya during the 1990′s up until 2011 when the UN finally listed him as an Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. At one point, Umarov even declared himself “Emir of the Russian North Caucasus.” His propaganda clearinghouse, the Kavkaz Center, was funded by the US State Department, as well as several supporting fronts including the National Endowment for Democracy-funded Russian-Chechen Friendship Society. The former currently supports U.S. efforts to overthrow the Syrian government
-Libya suffered from an order out of chaos plan. A similar design on Russia’s frontier is now underway
-Ukraine downfall: President’s whereabouts uncertain as opposition push for resignation
-Kiev: Yanukovych Out, Tymoshenko Tells Protesters: ‘You Have Removed This Cancer From Our Country -’Chaos in Kiev: Yanukovych Flees, Tymoshenko Free
February 22, 2014 by Kurt Nimmo
Just as the United States Government was responstible for the violence in Syria, they are responsible for the Violence in the Ukraine.
Back in 2011 the Party of Regions warned that if left unchecked the globalist financier George Soros would unleash a “Libyan scenario” on Ukraine.
“I even have information that Soros has allocated certain funds in order to prepare a certain group of young boys here in Ukraine who could launch any existing projects based on the North Africa examples,” said Aleksandr Yefremov, head of the Party of Regions parliamentary faction.
Just as Texas is part of the United States, Crimea will be part of Russia, again.
The United States, the United Nations, and NATO have no jurisdiction in Crimea.
The United States, the United Nations, and NATO should allow the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Beyond simple appeasement of Russia, the argument to do this would be that Crimea has long been an oddity in Ukraine. It was part of Russia, until it was gifted to Ukraine by Kruschev in the 1950s. It is the only bit of Ukraine that has a Russian-speaking majority.
Just as it was illegal and stupid for the United States to interfere in Syria, where the United States doesn’t even have any kind of diplomatic contact, it is wrong and stupid for Obama or the United States or NATO to interfere in Russia and Crimea.
If NATO and the United States had any concern for Human Life or the world, they would end thier stupid War on Terror.
Elections are coming for each of our Senators and Representatives who allow our continuing to pour trillions of dollars into Obama’s stupid War on Terror what is murdering innocent civilians and giving the Terrorists of Africa and the Middle East the Media Attention, death, and destruction they want, want drones and robot cops causing collateral damage in our Streets in the United States, gave us the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Obamacare, and other Bills since 2008 that destroy many of our basic human rights and our freedoms, have not kept their Oath of Office to protect our Constitution from threats foreign and domestic like Obama and Biden who love Gun Control and War more than Adolf Hitler did, and since 2008 have allowed our IRS to become known for nothing but corruption, our EPA to become just like the IRS and randomly create regulations which hurt the coal industry, unconstitutionally snatch land, and write regulations almost banning wood stoves that will cause Americans to die, and have attacked our Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and right to bear Arms.
End our stupid War on Terror and quit murdering civilians and at the cost of trillions of Tax Payer Dollars, giving the Terrorists the Death, Destruction, and Media Attention they want. Our current Senate and House gave us the horrible Common Core c**p, the Obamacancer Health Plan Monster they gave to the corrupt IRS, NSA spying, the horrible monster War on Terror, the unconstitutional NDAA and Cyber Security Bill, the Monsanto Get out of Jail Free Bill, and they have not kept their Oath of Office to protect our Constitution from foreign threats, or domestic threats, like Obama, Kerry, Biden, and Holder.
No Incumbents.
Any man or woman serving in any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC is part of the problem and not part of the solution and has gone alone with Obama and Biden’s terrible unconstitutional, unamerican policies.
Putin is not in control in Eastern Ukraine, what ever thugs the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros put in charge in the Ukraine are in power there.
Russia is not responsible for the violence in the Ukraine.
The EU and the United States created and funded it.
No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama.
Fire Barrack Obama.
Impeach obama NOW and try him for treason then hang his ass on the white house grounds
They’re scared Obamaless.