Appearing in this video from Wednesday, an emboldened gathering of top Al Qaeda members listened to the group’s worldwide second-in-command, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, somewhere in Yemen.
Just two years after the Obama administration declared the terrorist group fully “decimated” they appear brazenly ready to act against the United States, once more.
CNN described Wednesday as “what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering in years.”
“The U.S. intelligence community should be surprised that such a large group of al-Qaida assembled together, including the leadership, and somehow they didn’t notice,” said Bergen. “… The main problem about this group is that it has a bomb maker who can put bombs on to planes that can’t be detected.” Obama touted the imminent eradication of al-Qaida as a terror threat against the U.S. throughout his re-election campaign, telling multiple audiences that the group is “on the path to defeat” and its loose network of affiliates are “on the run.” An alternate theory suggesting a reason behind al-Qaida’s recent resurgence might posit that the terror group never has been “decimated” and that its organizational, communications and recruiting tactics have simply changed to accommodate both the Obama Administration’s few successes and to take advantage of newly lawless zones that permeate freshly destabilized areas of the Mideast. Source: PersonalLibertyThe video is better-produced than many that have emanated from al-Qaida in the past, and analyst Peter Bergen believes the group is demonstrating a fresh confidence in its ability to carry out strikes against the U.S. — though U.S. intelligence either doesn’t know, or isn’t commenting on, the nature of any plots against the Nation.
Obama is one of them. He is destroying the USA from the inside.
You will be swimming in the lake of fire … The Cross is forever.
He has a hard time killing his own
Obama ignores the critical needs of the nation. Instead he builds para-military SWAT units in the dumbest places . Apparently he is more afraid of the citizens he swore to protect than he is of the looming threat in the world. Al Qaeda is alive and well; planning other attacks on America.
Osamba is their best friend
End the stupid War on Terror.
he is with them, not use… when will you wake up and look around, we are in trouble.
Where it is dangerous to be a Christian ?
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, Laos, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Yemen, Maldives, Somalia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Sudan, New Falluja, Vietnam, Cambodia, Morocco, Nigeria, Eritrea, India, Indonesia, and Tanzania.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012 was signed into United States law on December 31, 2011, by President Barack Obama.
Thanks to the NDAA, we can now have political prisoners just like China, Burma, and Cuba.
Our congress and Senate have decided we also need stuff like SOPA, PICA, ACTA, CISPA, and Cyber Security laws to have internet restrictions just like communist nations and dictatorships, none of this is for the good of the people. Follow the money, entertainment industy CEO’s are too stupid to see the songs and pictures we post are free advertizing. They waste billions on lobbyist and advertizing we ignore and block the advertizing we pay attention to.
For all of Obama’s first term our politicians have been busy keeping the war in Afganistan going and trying to destroy our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, our Freedom of Speech, our Human Rights, and our basic protections from arrest and imprisonment with out due cause, due process, or the right to face our accuser.
Vote Obama, all our Senators, and all our Represenatives out. Hillary Clinton needs to go, too. We do need the influence of George Soros in our political administration.
If the guys who replace them do not repeal the NDAA and begin to get our Human Rights and Freedoms back, end the War in Afganistan, and keep us from getting into war with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and with any other country in the Middle East, all the way across the world, we need to vote them out.
Iran is not the greatest threat to the security of the United States, our Freedoms, and our Human Rights. Our current Senate, House of Represenatives, and our President are the biggest threat to our Bill of Rights and our Constitution, which they have forgotten they took an oath to protect.
$#%&!@* allah and our king obey me!!!