Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been a heated one. People either love him or they hate him. There is no balance between the two or any center ground. If you examine those who hate them, which is just about every liberal out there, you’ll notice a trend. They don’t despise him for his position on foreign policy or his stance on the Middle East. They don’t even despise him for being the Republican candidate. They despise him simply for being “racist” and “full of hate.”
Basically, they hate him because he’s honest, and he’s presented some hard truths that Americans need to face. And because of this, liberal politicians and their brainwashed followers have gone to great lengths to try and prevent him from being president. Yes, desperation is a stinky cologne. Now, however, calls to violence are being made all across the Mexico and the United States, calling people to arms to kill Donald Trump and his followers.
In a video you can watch on the next page, a young man in what is assumed to be Mexico, is calling for the death of Trump by any means necessary, including mass shootings, bombings and the death of the innocent people. And it doesn’t stop there. Not only is he calling for the death of Trump, but other people as well.
Find out who on the next page.
Hey gringo
Unfit due to treason! Obama hates America!
Hillary is unfit and even if you are blind and can’t see out of either eye at her crimes against Americans and corruption in order to fill her pockets God will not bless her not one once! No not one! She is by far the biggest named corrupted criminal in US politics. God will not bless dishonesty! God will not bless liars! God will not bless someone who covets! She needs to go to God, the Lord Jesus Christ and confess her sins and then make peace with the world by coming clean! Hillary we are praying for you but we won’t pray you to be our president! We need honesty and Integrity you have none! Romans 10:9-13!
Obama is dishonest and has a king type attitude! He thinks he can order and demand American’s to do what he says! I say Obama you are a corrupt, criminal and your Waterloo is fast approaching! God looks at you just like he looked at Pharaoh in Egypt! He was a narcissist like you, dishonest like you, think you are god like you, and he didn’t want to let the REAL GOD’s people go! Well we see how that worked out for him don’t we? His whole army destroyed! And guess what the people left him and never went back! We are going to do the same we will never look at you again! You will pay for your sins of course GOD will see to that he promised it! Read it for yourself it’s called The Holy Bible! Or the Book!
HEY “BOY”! YOU WANT TRUMP KILLED? Step up to the PODIUM and show us your filthy scumbag greasy-buttface! THEN WHEN THE SECRET SECRET SERVICE CUTS YOU IN TWO WE CAN HAVE AH
Some one needs to arrest this punk assed thug and make an example of what inciting violence gets you.
Yes, but not a freedom to threaten someone. That’s called assault and it’s criminal.
Go back to were. You came from.
This person is allowing you to see just what these people are all about they hate all Americans