The United States used to be a place where people wanted to come because the great freedom we HAD offered them an opportunity to make a better life if they worked hard. Now, it seems that the United States is a place people come to take advantage of the system – as provided to them by the socialists.
Parents of an illegal immigrant are now suing three Border Patrol agents.
The reason?
When they were attempting to illegally enter the U.S. off the southern California coast, their panga boat collided with the Border Patrol vessel, killing one illegal.
Go to the next page:
Should have not been in the way in the first place.
HA HA ……
Jaime… ^^^^DNC paid prison Troll…loves $#%&!@*s and two handed reacharounds….muslims only
Glenn Gannon ^^^^DNC paid prison Troll…loves $#%&!@*s and two handed reacharounds….muslims only
They should have used a torpedo!
I don’t know why you’re all so mad, if that’s your views on illegals, what he’s saying is correct, based on your logic
but i guess for you 2+2=3 or something
Great one.Fred Swan Jr.
I Agree With Everything Everyone Said!
Illegal! Get it?