The United States used to be a place where people wanted to come because the great freedom we HAD offered them an opportunity to make a better life if they worked hard. Now, it seems that the United States is a place people come to take advantage of the system – as provided to them by the socialists.
Parents of an illegal immigrant are now suing three Border Patrol agents.
The reason?
When they were attempting to illegally enter the U.S. off the southern California coast, their panga boat collided with the Border Patrol vessel, killing one illegal.
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Why do our courts and judges let them get away with this kind on nonsense?
We know what they did and to this day, their main goal is to protect Barack Obama because when he goes down, they all go down with him! Why did they protest against their own voters who demanded an investigation into the eligibility of Barack Obama?
Why did they not insist on seeing the long form birth certificate? The Birth certificate issue became been a national outcry and was completely ignored by the GOP.
The GOP lied to keep from having that investigation! They claimed to have an internal investigated and determined that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. That was good enough for them, even though they offered not one shred of evidence to the American people .
Remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigation? For three years they uncovered m$#%&!@*ive fraud and was prepared to take it to the Supreme Court. That evidence was blocked by the GOP and went nowhere, who were they protecting?
Get the answer to that question and you will have uncover it all. The greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people took the collaboration of both parties and that same GOP is working to undermine we the American voters again!
We must not allow them to succeed! They are desperate. They know the truth is about to be exposed and a lot of people are going to prison for a very long time!
I knew a woman from Mexico and she would tell me how they all laugh in Mexico and are told how to come here and file for workers comp and they are told they can sue Americans for anything. They also have a ring who drives to Mexico and brings back babies pretending to be born in America and it is very easy for them to purchase SS cards and birth certificates.
Screw it! Just mount twin 50’s on it
I think we need to sue lawyers for frivolous lawsuits that damage the ability to uphold the law and damage lives.
They should have blown the illegal aliens boat. This was all wrong
torpedo the ILLEGAL aliens
If you want to come to this country then do it LEGALLY. Congrats to the border patrol if more of these folks were able to do their job this won’t happen
Only in Obama’s America where laws are not enforced if it does not agree w/his agenda:amnesty where illegal is legal.
What else? Maggots have more rights than we legal Americans