Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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The Border Patrol will now see thousands flooding our border areas, while our border agent
Like I said we are should be on the boarder, start war3, if need be. He needs to suffer for this one, a.d any idiot that agrees with him….
Just send ICE home!
impeach arrest
We all should be on the boarder
I have an executive order for you all. Shoot the black bastard.
without rifles to confront anyone are overwhelmed by the masses and hysteria that will encompass their abilities to stop them. The NSA stated today that the U.S. infrastructure will be attacked from cyber attacks at an unprecidented rate. Our economy will be hurt dramatically, with bank closures, ATM’S useless, food lines forming, government control instituted, healthcare demeaned, as well as military upheaval and deletion. We the people are in trouble deeper than we are now, if we don’t secure our borders. We must rise up against the tyranny of this government right now, or be forever entrenched into a system of ruin.
Obama immagraition must be stopped
Someone needs to jump up and jap slap the p**s out of the muslim bitch.
Impeach this jack ass please for christ sakes