Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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we arent going to do anything were to stupid
Impeach Obama.
We are playing a fools game. We are seeing a criminal invasion of our homeland and not fighting it at all.
I saw some people out on the corner today, with all kinds of signs for Impeach Obama… this the beginning???? Its about time!!!!!
Obama wants to start a race war shoot them at the border the minute they step on American soil
Because of his mistakes you wont see America vote for a non-white president for a long time. Not saying that I agree with that idea, but it’s the reality that will happen.
Go a head and quit guy and let the other in.
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Sick Bastard
Obama is setting America up for more disease, more welfare and fewer available jobs. Can someone tell me what Obama has done right so far? We’ve had losers – the stimulus, the economy, the weaker military, lost foreign respect, UN involved in USA politics, racial divide, hatred for Israel, scandals, out of control First Lady, higher taxes, Obamacare (the Obamanation), Democratic blockage of the Senate, growth of ISIS, Russian aggression, bows to the enemy, apology tour, violation of law and Constitution, breakage of his Oath, Muslim support and Christian bashing, Muslims in key American Government positions and worst of all the blatant lies.