Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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we are trying we are definitely trying !!!!!!!!!
Our muslim in chief does not care about the United States or it’s people!
There is a whole bunch in the white house and I am not just saying Obama.
DON’T TRUST HIM……………………………..MK
Why don’t they file a law suit against him, after all the constitution law was broken in this case. It doesn’t need fixed either. leave imagration alone. They need to respect our laws. or leave.
Obama & Holder are going to continue to run their game plan and simply don’t care what anyone thinks. So, let’s stop talking about law suites and being surprised and simply Prosecute and punish them for Treason!
lets get this impeachment of obama now people if you care about your freedom as americans and our children’s futures you will if not you don’t deserve to be in USA
Write to your congressmen, I did.
we need to stop this guy all the way.