Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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I have been doing it for 2 years and people are finally beginning to listen.
Every time I preach the impeachment, I get the race card!!!
If we don’t wake up,AMERICA the last 2 years will probably be our last years,the no SHAME PARTY…2014 2016
How do we do that? No one can seem to control his lawlessness !
Impeach O and Joe that would mean harry idiot reid would be the pres
vote republican maybe that will help. Get Obama tried for treason
OMG = Obozo Must GO
If we vote in a new congress they will have enough votes to impeach, so vote against the democrats and take back our country.
I agree 100%, also Obummer should be IMPEACHED!!!