Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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When is Washington and the American people going to stand up and stop this BASTARD from destroying America. He needs to be stopped now.
Not a peep when Regan granted amnestiy (8 million) & Bush slowed deportations because it was too costly. Make’s me wonder where Your minds are on this statement. Pitiful, people……. Racist perhaps?
we dont think he will use it for negative purpose
how America was defeated, Communist Party first , contacted corrupt politicians, they slowly started changing the laws, they started putting in place and government other communist infiltrators, and got them jobs within the government,after these agents were placed in government positions, they started sorting out American patriots, real Americans, and replace them with other agents, until small communities are completely taken over, and then went after large cities. they needed more money to fund the overthrow of the government, so they used a large corporation, Kmart first, and then Walmart to put out of business all small American-based businesses, Walmart mostly sold goods from the Communist countries, Walmart used its funds to buy more political offices in government, to continuously put more American people and companies out of business.taking more people out of the workforce,and dumbing down the American citizens, they took overall the education systems, to corrupt the minds of the youth, they use the insurance industry, to undermined the healthcare industry and the legal system, they used the insurance industry to manipulate mass media,in the end all the members of justice system were corrupted,leaving the American people to fend for themselves, because the Americans started to resist,the justice system made self protection illegal, and this was the fall of the United States of America, the government created by the people, for the people,is this how you want the history of the United States to play out,because without your involvement, without your participation,this is how history will remember the United States of America ! Bill Sharpe Ellendale Delaware.
I’ll be voting on Tuesday and will vote everything/everyone who is siding with Obama.
Obama’s wrong
This is a great year to vote a straight Republican ticket !
I have been preaching impeachment for more then a year now, and no one listened,