Like many, American border patrol agents are in fear an executive order from Obama that will grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S.
Border patrol officers, who were recently turned into a huge babysitting service for these immigrants, have issued a press release begging the public to stop the expected executive order before it happens.
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Barrack Obama Aka..Barry Sotoro needs to get it !!! that We The People !!!!!! Do not want any amnesty!!!
Its not the presidents falt hes just a pupet with some one else puling the strings
i can’t beleave he is still in our country
it is time to take our country back NOW
I put out 100 Secure our Borders signs, watched 2 Mexican men tear one down today while they were laughing. You would think, they would want their people safe. Ebola and other diseases crosses unclosed borders. Wake the heck up people!
I don’t really care what ovomits position on criminal invaders is, he was elected to represent ‘we the people’ and polls indicate that the over whelming majority of the American people do want to grant amnesty ……..
Impeach Obama and arrest him for treason and other crimes
whom ever is causing all the problems must go ! we pretty much know who the idiot’s are !!!
He was dropped on a hot rock by an evil RAVEN from hell.