It is against Border Patrol policy for their agents to follow the law. They will lose their jobs if they ask illegal aliens why they are coming into the United States. Fired, for following the law of the land? Preposterous!
Data shows that the “catch and release” policy, that utilized Notice to Appear orders for illegals, were usually ignored, with 40 percent not showing up. The failure to appear in court by those who were arrested and released should be “an extreme embarrassment” for the Department of Homeland Security, yet because it fits the political preferences of the Administration it is seen more as an accomplishment.
The newest policy, implemented by DHS, made it even easier for illegals to avoid court and exploit the system. There is a mandatory release of anyone arrested by the Border Patrol for being in the country illegally. As long as the illegal who has been arrested does not have a felony conviction and tells the agent that they have been in the United States continuously since January, 2014, they are released.
Asinine? Absolutely! What illegal alien is going to confess to how long they have been in the country and what is the incentive for them to show up for court? We have idiots running the DHS.
Read more on the next page.
I have heard this before that and that Obama is making them turn them loose when caught
Fire the lawmakers, who make the laws and then break the laws they made. They put America in peril. Something is radically wrong with these empty suits, no morals, values, ethics, or brains, and they call themselves leaders. They are a joke
They are in a tough position. Hopefully, with the president things will change.
OBAMA is a DISGRACE to this Nation and our people.
then they need to quit if they dont want to uphold the oath they take.if their superiors are allowing illegals by law they are called coyotes and need arrested to so do your fucking job and arrest them all
Do it anyway…..who’s going to see you? B is in Cuba…..the administration is busy planing our downfall
If your superiors tell you to not enforce U.S. Laws why would you continue to work as a border patrol agent and not find new employment ? As you have taken an Oath ,why would you not honer that Oath ? And when you entered into this Profession you more than likely felt the desire to help people,have you since lost this desire ?
Stupid Obama Law
send them back