Border Patrol Agent: We Will Get Fired If We Uphold The Law

Agents are fired for following the law of the land and illegals are released for breaking the law, this is the system that is intrinsically flawed and those in charge of policy making at the highest levels must be fired.

If an illegal alien does not have proof of residence when arrested, they can just make the claim that they have been in the U.S. since the start of 2014.  Agents have told Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, “A lot of agents will actually ask them where they heard this from and they’ll tell the agents, ‘Well, I was just told to tell you.’”

He made the comments in testimony before the House Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

“Right now the Border Patrol has actually told us that we can no longer ask them that question, why are they coming any more?” Judd said. “We can’t even ask that question. In some cases we still do, but we are being told that you can’t even ask why they are coming.”

Someone or some agency is feeding the answers to illegals, giving them what to say, should they be detained.  Pro-illegal immigrant groups do not care about the law and aid and abet the alien who has crossed into the United States.

“What do you think are the consequences for agents who are unwilling to comply with these limiting policies?” asked Rep. Raul Labrador

“They’ll be terminated,” Judd replied.

Labrador than asked, “So for wanting to enforce the law that is in the books, they are going to be terminated from their jobs?”

“Absolutely,” Judd affirmed.

He said no agents have yet been fired because the agents in Judd’s group follow the policy directives.

There has been an uptick in illegal immigration since 2014, Judd stated in the hearing.  He said that the

“The vast majority are coming because they understood that they would be allowed to stay, and that the smugglers are telling them and advertising in their home countries that if they get to the border that they will be released and allowed to stay for an indefinite amount of time,” Jessica M. Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies testified.

There has been a surge of unaccompanied minors who are being utilized by the Mexican drug cartels.  With the focus on the minor aliens, the cartels are able to smuggle in their drugs elsewhere, as manpower is allocated to dealing with the influx of unaccompanied minors.
“Why did the cartels drive them to the middle of the desert and then have them cross over the Rio Grande only to surrender to the first Border Patrol Agent they came across?” Judd said before the committee. “The reason is that it completely tied up our manpower and allowed the cartels to smuggle whatever they wanted across our border.”

This fluid border issue is not just an issue for border states, as the cartels get their drugs into all 50 states.  The porous nature of the border and the tied hands of the agents have created a perfect gateway for heroine and other narcotics to seep into all parts of the nation.

“For instance, if a community in this country has a drug problem — such as the current heroin addiction epidemic and explosion of heroin-related deaths in the northeast region of United States — they have a Mexican Cartel and unsecure border problem and if a community is plagued by transnational gangs such as MS-13 and MS-18, they have an unsecure border problem,” testified Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

This is Obama’s legacy: terminate those who uphold the law of the land and reward those who break it.

Source: Daily Caller



  1. deadman

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