The Obama administration seems to be much more interested in welcoming illegal immigrants into the country and allowing them to stay here indefinitely than in enforcing the law and complying with the will of the people, which is to secure the borders and remove those who are not here legally.
The United States has always been a gracious and welcoming host to tens or hundreds of thousands of immigrants who come here legally each year, more so than any other nation in the world, but a lack of control or knowledge over who comes into the country is a huge problem, especially vexing as our welfare system has exploded.
The entities who seem to welcome unlimited immigration are big business who are looking for cheap labor to replace more expensive citizen workers, and the Democrat party, led by the Obama administration, who hope to swell the ranks of the party with reliable, Democrat voters showing thanks for welfare programs and largess.
In a new outrage, it seems that the administration is even making sure that the border patrol cannot do their job, and even that the Department of Homeland Security is taking away their guns so they will be defenseless and unable to control those crossing the border. See more in the video on page 2 for that aspect of this story.
See page 2 for new policies and video:
If Congress In This Election Year Want To Prove To Americans That They Have Are Interest At Heart They Can Stand From Their Childesh Sit In And Past The Following Bills Into Law.
!) War On Terriorism.
2) Ban On Refuges/Muslims
3) No Amnasty & Deport Illegal Aliens
4) Pass Kates’s Law
5) No Tax Dollars Spent On The Above Mention Groups
6) Arrest & Convict Hillary On Her Crimes Against Us & Our Country
7) Impeach Arrest & Convict Him Of Treason Against Us & Our Country
8) Fully Support On Both Side Of The Isles Possibly The Next Best President In US History!
Thank You Very Much!
It is time to do what is right, use the power of the people.
Hold on for 7 months. Help is coming after we get the Muslim out of office.
WHEN DOES THE TALK STOP…..and we take action…make a time and day we need to our voice heard now..they are beheading Jesus, they now have shareia law in two states and the burning of our flag…taking over our states, county by county…STOP THE DAMN TALK …THEY WANT WAR!!!!!! If we wait much longer we have no chance
Obama and Hillary Clinton approve of the “stand down” order. The Obama administration issued it just like they told the FBI to back off of Hillary Clinton and her actions that violated the law regarding placing a personal server in her home and putting National Security at risk. We now know the server was hacked multiple times. However, the Obama administration has also directed the DOJ to also back off and not pursue an indictment against her. Disgusting behavior at best, traitors at worst.
The California Governor doesn’t seem to know that all these illegals want to take over their state and make it Mexico. La raza is behind it.
Ignore the order….
They don’t have to fallow any b******t executive order that is unconstitutional. You chose to
Refuse to stand down for our AMERICAN