The Obama administration seems to be much more interested in welcoming illegal immigrants into the country and allowing them to stay here indefinitely than in enforcing the law and complying with the will of the people, which is to secure the borders and remove those who are not here legally.
The United States has always been a gracious and welcoming host to tens or hundreds of thousands of immigrants who come here legally each year, more so than any other nation in the world, but a lack of control or knowledge over who comes into the country is a huge problem, especially vexing as our welfare system has exploded.
The entities who seem to welcome unlimited immigration are big business who are looking for cheap labor to replace more expensive citizen workers, and the Democrat party, led by the Obama administration, who hope to swell the ranks of the party with reliable, Democrat voters showing thanks for welfare programs and largess.
In a new outrage, it seems that the administration is even making sure that the border patrol cannot do their job, and even that the Department of Homeland Security is taking away their guns so they will be defenseless and unable to control those crossing the border. See more in the video on page 2 for that aspect of this story.
See page 2 for new policies and video:
Does this sound like Benghazi,where they got a stand down to help those four Americans,just like in ther trump rally where the polices were told to stand down when Americans were being attracted by thrugs..this is your liberal party.we all are Americans not.and are told to stand down by our trump if you never want a stand down when your life is in danger.give me a break..go trump voters.we need to clean house.TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP USA USA USA
I suspect the next 6 months are really going to worse with treasonous acts from DC.
Don’t stand down. Did you take an oath to protect us? Be true to yourself. Don’t go back on your word
We have a Dictator who thinks he is above the law!
I agree. The next 6 months are going to be very scary. I don’t see obama leaving office willingly. He’s won’t leave till he takes America down.
Obama let them DO THEIR JOB !!!
Obama doesn’t have much more time to let in as many as he can before he is out of office. Seems it gets more drastic the closer it gets to the time he has to leave office.
Close the borders