The Obama administration seems to be much more interested in welcoming illegal immigrants into the country and allowing them to stay here indefinitely than in enforcing the law and complying with the will of the people, which is to secure the borders and remove those who are not here legally.
The United States has always been a gracious and welcoming host to tens or hundreds of thousands of immigrants who come here legally each year, more so than any other nation in the world, but a lack of control or knowledge over who comes into the country is a huge problem, especially vexing as our welfare system has exploded.
The entities who seem to welcome unlimited immigration are big business who are looking for cheap labor to replace more expensive citizen workers, and the Democrat party, led by the Obama administration, who hope to swell the ranks of the party with reliable, Democrat voters showing thanks for welfare programs and largess.
In a new outrage, it seems that the administration is even making sure that the border patrol cannot do their job, and even that the Department of Homeland Security is taking away their guns so they will be defenseless and unable to control those crossing the border. See more in the video on page 2 for that aspect of this story.
See page 2 for new policies and video:
No dont let Obama win, we will overcome
Thanks to our LAWLESS President and His STOOGES!!!
Since the supreme court ruled against obamas BS I would think that means close the damn borders.
How stupid can one be to let him get away with all the things he has done to destroy this country! He has done more damage and seems to be very proud of it! !
send the border agents to arrest dumbo
here you have cowards putting their job over their country and what’s right..
You should read this if you are an American! Share it if you want.
killary= obama but worse. Let’s get to the heart of the problem!
Americans are no longer protected by obama and his liberal administration!! It’s the opposite!
Obama’s open borders, Illegal immigration, Muslim Immigration and Refugee programs are killing Americans!!
Thirty Percent of All Federal Crimes are committed by Illegal Aliens!!!
NINETY FIVE PERCENT of Terrorist Actions in the world today are COMMITTED BY MUSLIMS!!!
Some are Muslim Immigrants who become Radical Muslim Terrorists and the rest are Sworn Radical Muslim Terrorists who will sneak in with refugees and KILL ANY ONE OF US!!
Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris, Belgium, Boston Bombings, Ft Hood, Galveston and more, and criminal illegal aliens stealing, raping, and murdering Americans!!!
“ALL” Americans….
republicans, obama’s own democratic puppets, blacks, whites, latinos, christians, atheists, gays, lesbians, and transgender…..
from WITHIN America and from OUTSIDE AMERICA!!
Do obama’s puppets live in Fantasy Land? They are not immune to being slaughtered right along with the rest of us peons!!!
Orlando was a horrible senseless Islamic Terrorist Mass Killing that could have been prevented with the right investigative tools that have been denied by obama so as not to offend muslims!!!
It is obama’s
Donald Trump will stop this “PC” Anti American Crime Wave that obama and his liberal administration are escalating, for the purpose of creating chaos and division in America, just like Britain who rose up and defeated Globalism!
All mosques should be investigated! All Muslims should be identified and recorded in FBI files, just like law abiding gun owners in Hawaii!
Or those mosques and their members, given the opportunity to Pledge Allegiance to America and Americans in a signed statement or leave Our Country!
Our borders should be closed to implement Controlled and Monitored Immigration!!
Instead of Trying to DISARM A NATION UNDER SEIGE BY MUSLIM Terrorists here in OUR OWN CONTRY and those who will sneak in with refugees through our porous borders along with the 11 to 15 million illegals who cost American Taxpayers $800 billion dollars anually. We sure could use that money to take care of Our own!!
And deflecting
“THE REAL ISSUE” through desperate gun control actions to try and hide
Obama is ANTI-American!!
He is Definitely NOT American
If he was he would be
Obama has BETRAYED “ALL” Americans!!!
Look at what Germany’s leader has allowed to happen in their country. Its such a tragedy.
From who? Who do you think issued the order?
You also took a oath to protect American citizens. So that means your going to protect you job and let killers and rapist in American. Wise up do your duty to America and not the one idiot that’s telling you to let them in. You know it’s wrong. Do your duty to American.