Bono Instructs Congress About How the Solve the Global Refugee Crisis and Islamic Extremism

So, besides the obvious fact that Bono is an idiot and doing whatever he can to cling to relevancy, including suggesting America put some poor schmuck in danger to carry out his suggestions, let’s take a look at the suggested comedians he’s chosen for the task.

“It’s like, you speak violence, you speak their language. But you laugh at them when they are goose-stepping down the street and it takes away their power. So I am suggesting that the Senate send in Amy Schumer and Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen, thank you.”

Amy Schumer and Sacha Baron Cohen are both Jewish – a faith to which ISIS (and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram et al) have not hitherto shown themselves to be particularly sympathetic. On the contrary last year ISIS announced that they were planning a Second Holocaust in which all the world’s Jews would be extinguished. Perhaps Bono is under the impression that Amy Schumer’s wit would grant her an exemption – though up and until now there has been little evidence that ISIS has much of a sense of humour.

Nor do Islamic terror groups respond terribly well to homosexuals like Bruno, the camp Austrian played by Baron Cohen; or even to people who look like they might be homosexuals, such as Borat, when he is wearing his mankini. Their preferred method of dealing with them – in accordance with their scriptures – is to throw them off high buildings or bury them beneath a wall.

It’s currently unclear what version of reality Bono is living in, but it definitely isn’t this one, which is something he seems to share with a majority of liberals, who have their beliefs all mixed up. You can’t love a culture that doesn’t want to be loved. That’s like trying to cuddle a porcupine, or trying to pet a skunk. Apparently they can smell good intentions . . . not. Thank you Bono, but no thank you. Why don’t you go write another album that sells so poorly you have to give it away for free on i-tunes.

Source: breitbart



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