The bombshell speech given by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner at the UN was not widely aired.
The Argentine President stated that a former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction under Obama secretly inquired if Argentina would supply Iran with nuclear fuel. This all ties into the nuclear deal Iran finally won from the US with total UN blessing.
U.S. media mostly ignored this. It made Obama look like what he is: a traitor and a liar. At this point, he things he has gotten away with it and that it won’t come back to bite him later. While he may not face prison, he certainly has set his legacy as the worst and most destructive and dangerous president this nation has seen.
Well, this is big news…why keep it secret?
What reasons would Obama risk the US being caught brokering a nuclear fuel deal for Iran? Move to the second page:
Congress what do you need work or resign
We need a new congress an Senate
Congress not gonna do anything because they are on the payroll that’s why all sitting representatives have to be voted out!
Old news!
Barb King: You are so right. I can’t believe the American people are so unpatriotic, uninformed and uneducated about who they want to put in the top office to this country. The very idea that most of them have NO IDEA what kind of problems this country will have if Hillary wins this election. They don’t think what they are doing will effect their children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren……….this will not be a decent coun try to have to grow up in………they will be thrown into slavery for the rest their lives………our debt is well on its way to 20 trillion dollars………everyone of you who are voting for Hillary had better stop and think what you are doing to their children. You will be sorry for what you have committed them to for the rest of their lives.
Impeach..should have been done a long time ago.
He should burn in hell
Douche bag in the White House!!!!
Oh, by now I would multiply that number by 4 times as much by now!
Charlene …we have Oblama to thank for ALL of this. This is how Muslims operate….America has been infiltrated …….Just pray Trump can turn it around and clean it up!!!!!!