The bombshell speech given by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner at the UN was not widely aired.
The Argentine President stated that a former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction under Obama secretly inquired if Argentina would supply Iran with nuclear fuel. This all ties into the nuclear deal Iran finally won from the US with total UN blessing.
U.S. media mostly ignored this. It made Obama look like what he is: a traitor and a liar. At this point, he things he has gotten away with it and that it won’t come back to bite him later. While he may not face prison, he certainly has set his legacy as the worst and most destructive and dangerous president this nation has seen.
Well, this is big news…why keep it secret?
What reasons would Obama risk the US being caught brokering a nuclear fuel deal for Iran? Move to the second page:
Maureen Scotto-Ferrante, you’re probably closer to being the antichrist than him. Satan loves hateful morons.
Obama is a traitor and should be impeached and deported to the country he’s fighting for because it is certainly not for US Citizens
Hillary sold a nuke plant to Putin and Trump supported Hillary they are all one and the same
And the UN says nothing, lord help us
Hang the traitor. How much more of this idiot do we have to take?
Not true at all. First of all Iran isn’t in need of fuel or us to help them get it. Because if the deal Obama made with Iran it slowed their nuclear program down for decades to come. With the deal in place we made them close 1300 centrifuges. That’s means they can’t even research nuclear tech let alone make a weapon, let alone need fuel for a weapon. Total f**e article and click bait meant for the gullible and ignorant people.
Your dumbass Trump supposed to had researched this do you see any proof? Stupid idiots it’s too late now he has completed his TWO terms. You can put your heads back into your asses now.
Nice little short story but no quotes
Jim. Yes he would have had duel citizenship but only if his mother met all the requirements by law at the time of his birth… being given a us citizenship would not have been a birth right.. so he would not be a natural born American… so there for unable to run for potus (just like cruz)