The bombshell speech given by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner at the UN was not widely aired.
The Argentine President stated that a former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction under Obama secretly inquired if Argentina would supply Iran with nuclear fuel. This all ties into the nuclear deal Iran finally won from the US with total UN blessing.
U.S. media mostly ignored this. It made Obama look like what he is: a traitor and a liar. At this point, he things he has gotten away with it and that it won’t come back to bite him later. While he may not face prison, he certainly has set his legacy as the worst and most destructive and dangerous president this nation has seen.
Well, this is big news…why keep it secret?
What reasons would Obama risk the US being caught brokering a nuclear fuel deal for Iran? Move to the second page:
To my Fellow VETERANS, and my friends and neighbors, it was my pleasure and Honor to serve this great County, let us reflect on this day, remembering our fallen Brothers and Sisters, in the Arm Services, and those in Blue, remembering the good, bad, and indifference of each other. Remember the Oath we took, WE ARE THE LARGEST TRAINED ORGANIZATION OF ARMED CITIZENS READY TO DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION FROM ANY AND ALL DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TERRORIST GROUPS, INCLUDING THOSE THAT ARE SERVING IN OUR GOVERNMENT AT ALL LEVELS….FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL….PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORHOOD IF HAVE TOO…..If you have to, get more training, learn first aid & CPR, learn how to use a ham radio, (get your license), form a neighborhood response team, set up a neighborhood food pantry, learn how to shoot, and learn how to reload ammo, etc… but, dont sit still and DO NOTHING…its coming, Please join the 2nd Continental Army, we need your help, for more info, either contact me, or go to fb: 2nd Continental Army
If this is true. He should step down.
No, not ol lyin liver lip
No way!!! Is this for real?
Sadly the National media will not let this be known but if true and likely is Obama must be arrested today, Look at it Paul Ryan and use the Power of Congress to get him Gone and Gitmo is the Ideal destination for his trip.
How do you know a politician is lying?
Their lips are moving.
Sure James. And wasn’t it clever of mom to bribe the hospital and newspaper in Honolulu to put in a f**e announcement. And them there were all those neighbors who remembered! By the way-since you clearly have no clue, EVEN if he had been born overseas he would still have been eligible since his mother was an American chitizen (just like Cruz)
Both candidates are snakes. The female snake in this case, carries a deadlier bite. Cry havoc and let skip the garden hoes of war!